After the mountains and hills around Kelimutu and Bajawa as well as the diving in Komodo National Park, we wanted to end the trip relaxing at the beach for a few days. While doing research, we stumbled upon the Seraya Hotel located on Seraya Kecil (9 out of 10 islands...
After a couple of relaxing days around Bajawa, we were ready to move on. The last day was rainy and while we enjoyed the cooler temperatures, we were looking forward to shorts and t-shirts again. As outline in my introductory post, we opted to fly from Bajawa to Labuan Bajo...
Before coming to Flores we knew that roads would be winding and the pace at which you’re driving slow. So we opted to spend three nights in the mountainous Bajawa area to enjoy cooler temperatures and relax. Accommodation standards in Flores (maybe apart from Labuan Bajo) are not very high...
Kelimutu was definitely one of the highlights of the trip. The photos I had seen online looked magical and I was really looking forward to experiencing the beauty of these three volcanic crater lakes. One can either fly into Maumere or Ende, with the latter being a little bit closer....
We had planned to take a week off over Easter and benefit from Good Friday being a public holiday. Initially we contemplated various options. We had no real preference for any particular destination. But we knew we wanted to do something that we likely wouldn’t do when based on Europe....
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